Sunday, May 27, 2007

What a Grind....

Just after I finish with one rant about the questionable decisions of film studios another rant begins. This time I'm airing my frustrations at the decision by god knows who to release the double feature splatter extravaganza Grindhouse as two seperate films in Australia. I mean as if it wasn't bad anough that Grindhouse was coming out a good five months after the U.S. release, we now have to wait for an inferior product as the directors in no way intended originally. The newly seperated films will also come out at different dates, forcing australian audiences to wait even longer to see both of them.

The decision has obviously been made after the poor box office that Grindhouse recieved in America, and naturally instead of giving the film a chance with audiences over here, the studios would rather take the safer option, so even if the films do poorly atleast the will have double what they would of had. Half the attraction of this Grindhouse project was the fact that it was a double feature and it even had fake ads and traliers inserted into the intermission, and now we might not even get these extras thanks to the new format of release. What can you do? Studios can make whatever decisions they want and the cinema viewing public just have to wear it and fork up the money, and at any rate, Australian's have gotten used to paying for America's mistakes.


Drew's P.O.V said...

Hey cool blog man but i think its good that they are making it into 2 movies. I dont think i could sit through them otherwise.

steve said...

It really sux how the unsophisticated US cinema viewer determines how films are released internationally. I think that the movie execs need to take a look at broader multinational audience responses before butchering or buring films.

The Iguanadon said...

That means it won't even be a real Grindhouse film seesion anymore. Grindhouse films are meant to be gory expletive films shown back to back. One after the other (Insert gripping artistic pain here).

Unknown said...

Hey babyface!!!!
Nice blog you suck-up. Seriously YOU BETTER GET A HD!! I've never seen such ass kissing.
And I think iTs stupid how theyre splitting GrindHouse.
Anyway you should look up retarded cats becuase here are some freaky faces on there.
Expect some regular postings.
Oops, Chris is writing an actual post. I better do that. You can delet this if you really really want. Personally I wouldn't :)

Unknown said...

An actual post.

Unknown said...

Spot on bra. I definitely wanted to see view the films as the double feature it was intended to be. So which mug decided to split them? I did read recently that Grindhouse wasn't received by US audiences as well as expected, but doesn't it wreck the whole idea by releasing them separately? Not happy...Jan-style.

Unknown said...

I'm back...last post was by Chris as it was too boring for Abby to write. I have been exposed to retarded cats on google as well. I recommend you look 'em up. Seeing you soon like crappy uni tv reception...