Wednesday, March 21, 2007

One Night Stand..In Cowra?

Okay so I'm a big fan of Triple J, and I have to admit Silverchair have been a long time favourite band of mine, sure their new stuff just doesn't compare to their old stuff but isn't that the same with every band these days? The other sad fact in this little story of mine is that I'm from Cowra. How does this all fit together? Well quite easily actually: As part of a national competition called 'One night stand' one town is chosen to host a lineup of acts every year thanks to Triple J...and this year the town chosen is none other than my old stomping ground...Cowra!

Come 20th of April Silverchair will be joined by Behind Crimson Eyes, the Funktrust and Midnight Juggernauts to give Cowra a night to remember..well we hope so anyway. My biggest fear is that a bunch dickheads will rock up and ruin the night for everyone. You see Cowra really does have problems with underage drinking and as much as everyone would like to disagree their is a real threat of a couple of idiots turning the event into just another piss up. It would be such a shame for something like this to happen too because its not everyday a band like Silverchair comes to a town like Cowra...or any band for that matter.

That a small rural town like us could be chosen for something like this...well I hate to admit it but it really does make you feel proud to be from the place...sad but true.

Here's the video of Cowra winning the competition courtesy of JTV...

1 comment:

steve said...

Cowra still sux tho!